Best Time to Join the Nursery Schools and the EYFS Foundation 

Every parent wants the best for their child. Time passes like anything and your baby also grows fast and then you realize that it’s time for you to get back to the office. But many parents have this question on their minds. When is the right time to leave your kid alone in school or at home? Whether you should choose a nursery or any other kind of playschool for the same or are there any advantages of the nursery? So, many doubts and uncertainties arise in the mind of the parents. Possibly the biggest tension that any mother takes, is sending their child to the nursery or playgroup. It is a very big decision. Several reasons are there as to why it is good to send your kid to the nursery. 

Factors Affecting – 

You will see a different scenario of the world in Dubai, depending on where you travel in Dubai. Your children will know how people live, how they dress and what customs people have there. You will hear the prayers from the mosque and there are many things in Dubai. One of the best places for kids in Dubai is Nursery Dubai. Firstly, there is no such right time for the kids to go to the nursery. It is a completely individual decision and it depends on many factors like current working status, benefits from the government, available savings, psychological aspects, family status, the overall cost of living, and so on. So, you do not have to get upset by listening to the stories of the other parents about their kids and so on. 

Best time to Join Nursery and EYFS – 

Some experts suggest that the best age for kids to join nursery is 2 years. It is the right time for the child to feel confident and will also enjoy the nursery or the playgroup, where they are supported and cared for and where they are taught to be confident with high self-esteem. We all have different life scenarios and what matters is choosing the right child care for your child. And, the bottom line is that you should not feel bad to leave your child in day care or nurseries as there are a plethora of benefits of the education of nursery for the kids. The nursery comprises EYFS i.e., the early year’s foundation stage for kids. 

What the Programs Includes – 

The early year’s foundation stage sets a standard for kids’ learning and development and also takes care of your child from birth to being 5 years old. Every childcare that is registered will follow this program. It is designed in a very friendly manner and also playful manner, and here the children learn mostly through the games. And, some of the topics that are covered by this program are – communication and language, physical development, personal, emotional, and social development, maths, understanding of the world and science, and much more. The caregivers in the nursery are well trained in their daily work on the child’s development thoroughly. A recent study carried out showed that kids who had spent 3 years in nursery school are the ones who advance in their academics compared to those who did home schooling.