Economic globalization has united countries big and small all over the world. Obviously, this requires many different nations to be friendly with each other which has also helped to encourage the growth of various industries like travel and tourism as well as many consumer products through importing and exporting partnerships. It means that it is easy to travel and easy to conduct business, which is especially great for those who use technology to start small businesses and spread their product or service all over the world.
Learning A Second Language
For these reasons—and probably more—it is important to learn a second language. Sure, we have lots of technology, today, that makes it entirely possible to conduct business online without ever needing to speak in another language, but that does not forfeit the benefits of actually learning a second language. If you choose to conduct business in another country, it means quite a lot to your foreign partners to do business in a language they know well.
Of course, citizens of many countries around the world speak more than language. That’s because most countries are very small and neighbor with other countries who might not speak their native tongue. In Europe, for example, many people are familiar with two or three languages because of their proximity to other native speakers.
English is the Most Widely Spoken Second Language
While it is the third most commonly spoken language in the world, English is considered to be the unofficial language of international business. In many countries, actually, it is an unofficial second language. In Canada, English is actually a second official language (along with French). Hence, College Platon cours anglais is very common in schools around the world.
Effectively Learning A Second Language
The really good news is that technology has, indeed, made it easier than ever to learn a second language; or, honestly, as many languages as you want! However, if you really want to effectively learn another language you should employ a multi-tiered approach. This strategy involves book study and conversational sessions with another person. You could do this in a class, at home, or online; or—probably the best strategy—a combination of these things. After all, it is not only important to learn how to spell, read, and translate words, but you need to know how they sound in a real-life context as well.